What are the essentials of a Legal Notice and what should be mentioned in it?

Dated: 2025-02-12 14:42:44

What are the essentials of a Legal Notice and what should be mentioned in it?

Answers by Lawyers

Essentials of a Legal Notice


A legal notice must include the following:

  1. Concise statement of the material facts giving rise to the claim;
  2. Relief sought by the plaintiff against each named defendant;
  3. Concise summary of the legal basis for the relief sought.


Points to be mentioned in Legal Notice


The following points should be mentioned:

  1. The notice should be addressed to the person against whom the sender has grievances.
  2. The cause which compelled the sending of notice should be mentioned clearly.
  3. Previous communications regarding the cause of sending the notice should also be mentioned.
  4. A reasonable time of around 30 days or 60 days should be given to the other party to settle the matter by negotiating and by performing the desired action.
  5. A period of time can be given to the other party for replying.
  6. It should be sent through Registered AD post.
  7. A copy of receipt of the post should be kept as proof of delivery.
  8. It should be drafted in such a way that it is not lengthy and contains all the material contents related to the cause.
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