Dated: 2025-01-17 10:19:40
What is the procedure to lodge a complaint of corruption?In India, you can file corruption complaints with the Central Vigilance Commission(CVC) and the Central Bureau of Investigation. CVC is the ‘Designated Agency’ which receive written complaints about revealing any allegation of corruption or misuse of office and suggest suitable action.
The jurisdiction of the Commission in this matter is restricted to any employee of the Central Government or of any firm/corporation established by or under any Central Act, societies or local authorities owned or controlled by the Central Government or government companies. Organization or employees employed by the State Governments and actions of the State Governments or its organization/Corporations etc. will not come under the ambit of the Commission.
The Commission can only take cognizance of signed complaints i.e. it does not act on complaints that are anonymous. Although it provides protection to the complainant by keeping his identity a secret under the the Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer (PIDPI) Resolution (PIDPI). Mere complaining is not enough; the complainant has to put his case forward and coordinate with the CVC and if the complainant doesn’t respond to the CVC his complaint will be dealt as an anonymous one and therefore no action would be taken.
You can complain via a letter or email. You can also register your complaint online. The commission in its full capacity will try to protect the identity of the person but in case of any clarification the commission will get in touch with the complaint
Then, there is the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The CVC conducts its investigation through this body. But the CBI also accepts complaints independently.
You can complain by fax, post, e-mail, through a phone call, and even on the CBI website.
Also, each state has its own Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB). It has their jurisdiction restricted to their respective states and they only register or accepts complaints against employees of State Government.
Minal B Khona